What's The Logic Behind The Standalone Builder's Copy Files Pane?

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Jul 17 13:04:05 EDT 2014

On 7/16/2014, 4:27 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

> I've been using the function below to establish the custom folder as the
> defaultFolder at startup, but it seems each time I run the simulator I get
> a different result when checking the defaultFolder.
> function resourcesPath
>      put fileName of this stack into thePath
>      set itemDel to "/"
>      put "sections/" into last item of thePath
>      return thePath
> end resourcesPath
> When building a standalone, I know the folder gets added to the
> standalone's bundle.  So I'm trying to figure out how to best place the
> "sections" folder in relation to the app, and set the defaultFolder
> appropriately, so that the images in the folder can be accessed reliably
> from desktop, mobile simulator, and standalone.

On mobile, copied files and folders are placed in a virtual location 
that need to be accessed using specialFolderPath("engine"). That will 
point to the same (virtual) place as your resourcesPath function. So on 
mobile, you need:

   put specialFolderPath("engine") & "/sections/" into thePath

You'll need to branch the code for desktop and mobile, because on 
desktop the special folder "engine" isn't the one where the stack lives. 
Use the resourcesPath logic for desktop.

The virtualization of paths on mobile is due to the sandboxing 
requirements on both iOS and Android.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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