What's The Logic Behind The Standalone Builder's Copy Files Pane?

Klaus major-k klaus at major-k.de
Thu Jul 17 10:09:42 EDT 2014

Hi Scott,

Am 16.07.2014 um 23:27 schrieb Scott Rossi <scott at tactilemedia.com>:

> I think I'm missing something with regard to the Copy Files pane of the
> standalone builder.  What's the simplest way to include a custom folder of
> images along with a standalone?
> I have a folder (named "sections") which contains a bunch of subfolders
> and images, that I've included in the standalone builder's Copy Files
> pane. It seems that the source location of the folder affects how LiveCode
> expects to reference the folder.
> I've been using the function below to establish the custom folder as the
> defaultFolder at startup, but it seems each time I run the simulator I get
> a different result when checking the defaultFolder.
> function resourcesPath
>    put fileName of this stack into thePath
>    set itemDel to "/"
>    put "sections/" into last item of thePath
>    return thePath
> end resourcesPath
> When building a standalone, I know the folder gets added to the
> standalone's bundle.  So I'm trying to figure out how to best place the
> "sections" folder in relation to the app, and set the defaultFolder
> appropriately, so that the images in the folder can be accessed reliably
> from desktop, mobile simulator, and standalone.
> Any suggestions?  Using LC 6.6.2.

I use this feature to be able to use relative (to the stack) pathnames for images, sounds
and movies during development (-> set the filename of img 1 to "sections/a_picture.jpg"
or enter this in the inspector for the filename) and THAT feature makes sure this will also 
work in a standalone :-)

Hope that helps!

> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX/UI Design



Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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