Encryption / Encoding Differences between IDE and OS X Standalone

Peter W A Wood peterwawood at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 01:57:41 EST 2014

Many thanks to Jan for the helpful suggestions with which I have improved the code.

Unfortunately, it didn't solve the problem. I have cut down the code so that the encryption uses only a plaintext password, no sha1 hashing, no salt and no initial value. Thanks to Jan's Base64 encoding suggestion, I can see clearly that I get different encrypted values when running in the IDE to running the stack as a standalone.

Here's the cutdown script:

local tData
local tDisplay
local tPassword

on openStack
   put "12345678" into tPassword
end openStack

on encryptMSG
   put Field "In" into tData
   encrypt tData using "aes256" with password tPassword
   put it into tDisplay
   put the base64Encode of tDisplay into Field "Out"
end encryptMSG

on decryptMSG
   put the base64Decode of Field "In" into tData
   decrypt tData using "aes256" with password tPassword
   put it into Field "Out"
end decryptMSG

When I encrypt Is this a bug? in the IDE the encrypted value is U2FsdGVkX1+phY3qAHj6kKxYtytOeLA7K/TM+9tfP+Y= but in the standalone it is U2FsdGVkX1/wFDjazwOsvXrEzPHQNcmvBa6nfU2rSJE=

I wonder if it is the standalone settings that I am using as in addition to this difference, as I also cannot copy the contents of Field "Out" to the clipboard using command-C in the standalone. (Though apart from selecting Intel only, I haven't changed any of the default settings).



On 20 Feb 2014, at 13:45, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> Fields are meant for the display of text, not binary data.
> You could 'base64encode' the binary data before you display it.
> Oh, and when treating binary data, you should the 'byte' chunk instead of the 'char' chunk.
> That way when LiveCode goes all-in Unicode, your script will continuye to work.
> HTH,
> Jan Schenkel
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> Quartam Reports & PDF Library for LiveCode
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> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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