Getting Kanji from a .csv file

Igor de Oliveira Couto igor at
Fri Jun 7 05:09:03 EDT 2013

On 06/06/2013, at 12:23 PM, Howard Bornstein <bornstein at> wrote:

> [...] I'd appreciate any help but if it involves unicode, please assume you are
> talking to an imbecile. [...]

Unicode in LiveCode is a work-in-progress, and I believe it will see some major overhauling in the coming months, which will make it easier and more seamless to use. In the meantime, there is a bit of reading that you can do, which may make it easier for you to understand how unicode works, and how to handle unicode in LiveCode currently. You can start here:

Pay particular attention to the small sub-section titled "importing text from a utf-8 file". 

This may be enough to get you going, but should you then require more guidance, don't hesitate to send another message to the list.

Kind regards,

Igor Couto
Sydney, Australia

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