pasting from LibreOffice triggers unsavable loop in 6.5.1

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sat Dec 21 16:33:15 EST 2013

Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Marty Knapp <martyknappster at> wrote:
>> I often copy from LC and paste into a text editor (TextEdit or TextWrangler
>> on Mac) then paste back into LC without a problem. I wonder if you're
>> getting some invisible characters when you bring it back in from
>> LibreOffice?
> I never did before today, and I do this all the time.
> Finally, I had to paste from LO to vim, save, and set the script of my
> stack to that file.

Pasting should be pasting, and one should be allowed to paste garbage 
(NULLs or other special byte values) into their script just as though 
they'd typed the garbage by hand.  It may not be able to compile 
garbage, but it should throw a compilation error only.

The error about "script was changed outside the editor" should normally 
be triggered by very different circumstances, completely unrelated to 
the content of the script you're trying to compile.

Ordinarily we would expect that error to show itself only when the 
circumstance is as described:  while you're editing, something else 
changes the script of the object in question.

If you have a recipe for reproducing that error in circumstances other 
than what it describes, that would be an error in itself - please 
considering filing a bug report if you have a moment to do so.

They had a bug that would trigger that error incorrectly several builds 
ago, and while it was fixed for me and others you may have stumbled 
across an edge case we haven't considered.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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