Hiding stacks from the project browser

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Thu Apr 11 22:31:15 EDT 2013


Thursday, April 11, 2013, 7:09:02 PM, you wrote:

> If you find a way, please let us know.  Been wanting this ability
> for years, but threw in the towel and went with the rev prefix.  Not
> very convenient for development.

The following function is in button "revCommon" of stack "revLibrary"
and is among the backscripts:

function revFilterStacksList pStacks
   local tReturnValue
   repeat for each line l in pStacks
      if l is among the items of "Message Box,Home,Answer Dialog,Ask Dialog,Script Debugger,File Selector,Color Chooser,Magnify" then
         next repeat
      end if
      if char 1 to 3 of l is "rev" then
         next repeat
      end if
      -- This allows a hook function somewhere in the message path to do extra filtering on stacks.
      dispatch function "revHookIsUserStack" to me with the long id of stack l
      if it is not "handled" or the result then
         put l & cr after tReturnValue
      end if
   end repeat
   delete last char of tReturnValue
   return tReturnValue
end revFilterStacksList

...so you could conceivably implement a revHookIsUserStack() function
that would hide the stack. You'd have a hard time finding it
afterwards, so it's not something I'd recommend.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at ahsoftware.net

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