Preview of Resolution Independent Control library for RevMobile

Chipp Walters chipp at
Sat Jul 21 20:37:39 EDT 2012

FYI, for those interested...

I don't lock scripts and anyone can use this in their commercial projects
free of charge. IOW, this is a professional library which you can edit and
use however you like (just don't try and sell it please!)

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Chipp Walters <chipp at> wrote:

> Sorry the double post-- I originally thought the OTHER post was my
> originating one.
> I've added some auto-install procedures to the plugin and it's now
> available for testing at:
> Put it in your plugins folder or your altPlugs folder. Don't forget
> there's an update button on it!
> From the very prelim docs:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> altMobileResizer plugin
> (c)2012  Chipp Walters
> Thanks to portions by Ken Ray!
> This plugin creates a resizing framework for mobile devices so devlopers
> only have to create a single layout and it will smartly resize all controls
> on each card when the app first launches on a mobile device.
> Selecting the Stack tab, the plugin installs a library and OpenStack
> handler on the first card of the app stack. You next add objects and
> controls (like the altButton DropTool) and then you can assign resizing
> properties to them using the Control tab controls.
> Because the library is installed, it's important you pass all resizeStack
> messages and preOpenCard messages.
> When first installing the library stack, two properties are set for the
> library stack:
> altStacksAffected - This is a list of the names of the stacks for which
> the library will run on.
> altResizeAllCardsAtOnce - This is a boolean (defaults to true) which tells
> the library to resize all controls on all cards at startup. If not true,
> then it will resize all controls on a preOpenCard handler which may speed
> startup if you have a lot of cards in your stack.
> Also, remember to set the resizeQuality to GOOD (not NORMAL or BEST) for
> all images-- and reduce the images by 50% in width and height for the
> smaller min size. This way when going to the 2X Retina size they will be at
> full resolution.
> You can only edit the position and resize settings for objects when the
> stack is in minWidth mode. If you change the position or rect of a control,
> then you'll need to be sure and press the refresh position button to store
> the new settings.

Chipp Walters
CEO, Altuit, Inc.

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