Reliability of setProp/getProp

Bernard Devlin bdrunrev at
Sun Jan 15 09:44:28 EST 2012

Are you locking the message path in some other handler (e.g. maybe one
that is done with 'send in time').  That might explain intermittent

Also, there is a 'breakpoint' command that you can literally type as a
line in your handler.  I've often (like almost always) seen red dot
breakpoints that will work the first time a piece of code is
breakpointed, but will not work if a change is made to the script, and
then the actions run again to get to that breakpoint. However, the
'breakpoint' command has never not worked for me.


On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Michael Doub <mike at> wrote:
> I have a group "Pointer" that is made of 2 graphic objects.  Within the script of group "Pointer", I have:
> setprop thecolor newcolor
> getProp thecolor
> setprop finger newloc
> I am not using them to set any persistent state but to control the color and location of the object itself.
> When this behaviour starts, I am not able to set a breakpoints,

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