Using DropBox for Faster Mobile Development

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Tue Feb 21 10:14:08 EST 2012

On 21/02/2012 00:11, Bob Sneidar wrote:
> That is possible. The craziness is that the trailing cr affects the result even if the filtered text does not include the last line of the list. If there is a trailing cr, then the result will end with a cr no matter WHICH lines end up in the filtered text. If there isn't, then the result will NOT contain the trailing cr. That cannot be the desired behavior. Anyway, I have submitted a QCC on it, but it's too low a level for anyone to worry about I suspect.

That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

If you have a list in which the format is that every line including the last 
has a terminating return, then filter honours that format in the list it 
returns, regardless of which lines were in- or excluded.  If you have a list 
in which the format is returns delimiting between lines, rather than 
terminating each line, then filter honours that.

I'd read it as a feature.


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