The target is different on Mac and Windows

Pete pete at
Thu Feb 16 22:05:19 EST 2012

I have a mouseDown handler in a menu bar group, necessary because mouseDown
handlers don't trigger if they are in a button in a menu bar group.
 Because of the structure of my card, clicks on other buttons were reaching
the mouseDown handler, causing weird problems so I put a check for the
target at the top of the handler to make sure it was in the right context.
 Weirdly, the target returned the name of the menu bar group, not the name
of the button in the group when, for example, the user clicked the File
menu.  The target did come back with the correct button name when it was
triggered by a button outside the menu bar group.  This was all on a Mac.
 No matter, I checked for the name of the menu bar group at the top of the
handler and all was fine.

So now strange things are happening to some of my beta testers on Windows.
 I check into it and in the same circumstances as above, the target returns
the name of the button in the menu bar group that was clicked, NOT the name
of the menu bar group itself.

Obviously a bug which I will enter at the QCC.  I can deal with this by
checking the platform of course, but it really concerns me that a basic
concept like the target works differently on different platforms, at least
in this circumstance.

Molly's Revenge <>

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