Brush Tool in iOS

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Sun Sep 11 09:15:15 EDT 2011

Randy, Scott,

Any idea as to whether this is an Apple limitation or a LC problem? I imagine it is more likely something that Apple hasn't figured out yet, but I've been wrong before! (smile) Guess my project won't be going forward any time soon.

BTW, while we're speculating, have anyone heard of multiple iPads being used? I know that sounds really awkward, but multiple monitors did at one time as well. Just another way of expanding the real estate.


Joe Wilkins

On Sep 11, 2011, at 6:01 AM, Randy Hengst wrote:

> Joe,
> It doesn't work either.
> be well,
> randy
> -----
> On Sep 10, 2011, at 6:27 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
>> Randy,
>> How about the paint bucket? I have an app I'm thinking about converting from OSX to iOS that uses both.
>> TIA, 
>> Joe Lewis Wilkins
>> Architect
>> On Sep 10, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Randy Hengst wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I've begun playing with the brush tool in iOS… I'd like the users to be able to draw on the screen. I don't need to save any of the drawings, but I need them to be able to draw and erase….
>>> I hit a problem right off the bat…. set the brush to 8 throws an error in the simulator and on the device…. the message reads "An error occurred on line: (line number of set brush).
>>> Has anyone successfully used the brush tool in iOS?
>>> be well,
>>> randy hengst

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