Read from file not working 4.5?

John Patten johnpatten at
Fri Sep 24 13:46:25 EDT 2010

Hi All...

I have a stack that reads a text file and puts that text in a card  
fld. It works in 4.0, but when I open the same stack in 4.5 LiveCode  
it does not work?

Here is the simple script:

on openStack
    put the defaultFolder into tFilePath
    open window "data" of stack "Data"
    put tFilePath&"/"&"imageData" into tTargetToOpen
    open file tTargetToOpen
    read from file tTargetToOpen until EOF
    put it into cd fld "data" of cd 1 of Stack "data"
end openStack

What am i missing here for this not to work in 4.5?

Thank you!

John Patten

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