destroystack wrong behavior...

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed May 19 18:04:41 EDT 2010

Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:
> Thierry,
> does your stack have any substacks that are still open? Rev can not destroy it in that case. 
> Do you reference to it with a filePath? -> Will be reopened each time you reference to it then.
> Does it carry an external that is still used? -> Rev won´t destroy it then AFAIK
> Other than those cases, I have never seen destroystack fail.

Right. Other things that prevent a stack closing are drivers that 
haven't been closed (i.e., revSpeech, etc.) and any pending messages 
that haven't been cancelled.

Externals aren't a problem, stacks will still close when using those.

So to ensure that a stack is really removed from memory when closing:

1. Destroystack must be set to true
2. Substacks must be closed
3. Pending messages must be cancelled
4. Any open drivers must be closed

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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