player object and https URL

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun May 16 21:59:16 EDT 2010

Martin Koob wrote:
> David Bovill <david at ...> writes:
>> I've not tried this but if you can fetch the same url as data with:
>>    -  put url \
> "\
> <>"
> I can download the data with put URL but how do I get that 
> data into a player?   I suppose I could download the file then 
> open the file but that doesn't allow you to start playing the 
> movie while downloading.
> I can set the filename to the HTTPS URL but the movie 
> does not appear in the player as it does when you use 
> an HTTP URL.
> I have entered it as a bug, #8773

I know almost nothing about it so I probably shouldn't say anything, but 
don't you need some kind of certificate to access https pages?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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