raising the font size in dialog boxes, howto?

Edward D Lavieri Jr edljr at mac.com
Thu Jan 21 07:58:47 EST 2010

Hi Peter,

For customized dialog boxes, I just roll my own. These mini stacks/ 
cards do not take much effort to put together and give you 100% control.


On Jan 21, 2010, at 6:46 AM, Peter Alcibiades wrote:

> How do you raise the size of the font in dialog boxes, answer and  
> ask, on
> account of people not being able to see them very well?  You can do  
> this
> somewhat by changing the size of the rev ui elements from the  
> application
> browser, but its one at a time, so very laborious, and also you  
> don't seem
> able to change the message font.  As in
> answer "xxx" with "aa" or "bb"
> You can change the font of aa or bb but apparently not of xxx.  Also  
> the
> box into which the aa or bb goes does not seem to change quite  
> correctly to
> accomodate the font.  And the old familiar problem of not all fonts  
> on the
> system being available shows up here again.
> Is there a global setting for this stuff someplace ?  Or does one  
> have to
> simply write one's own dialogue boxes from scratch if he wants a  
> different
> font size, and wants to change the xxx?
> Peter
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