(Data Grid) How to get the setting of the dgHeaderAlignment["column"] saved

Andre.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at inria.fr
Thu Jan 7 10:09:22 EST 2010


I have a data grid "DataGrid" defined with the Inspector. The columns'  
headers are aligned to left.

In order to get the columns headers centered I do the following :
   put the dgProp["columns"] of group "DataGrid" into theColumns
   repeat for each line enil in theColumns
      set the dgHeaderAlignment[enil] of grp "DataGrid" of this cd to  
   end repeat
Ok, that works well.

I save the stack
If I close the stack and reopen it, the headers are still centered.

But if I quit Rev, when I reopen the stack, the headers are aligned to  
left again.

What am I missing?

Thanks a lot in advance for any advice

Best regards from Grenoble

P.S. I sent this message about 2 hours ago but seems it was not  
received (it does not appear in the archives) ; so I am trying again 

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