Option Menu Specifics

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 21:57:57 EST 2010

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 1:48 AM, Andrew Kluthe <andrew at rjdfarm.com> wrote:

>  However, the current record being worked with was loaded on a previous
> card
> and the information was put into a set of global variables.
> gLandOwnerContact (the current record's landowner name).
> Hi Andrew,

Welcome to the Revolution. As you've already discovered, you really can do a
lot in one week with Revolution. As other's have said, forget about books,
ask all the questions you want on this List.

I'm going to depart from answering your question but offer some advise. Do a
search of the archives for: global vs custom properties. There is even a
long thread titled "Best Practices using globals vs. custprops?" - dated 23
Jun 07.

Your mentioning of 'a set of global variables' just strikes me as a perfect
scenario of custom properties and custom property sets. As you are just
starting out with Rev it may be the perfect opportunity to see if these suit
your situation. There is nothing wrong with globals, but as you'll discover
on this List, there are some gotchas that can be avoided by using Custom
Properties and they really are a much loved feature of Rev.

Hate for you to get 3 months down the track and go, Custom Properties???, no
body told me about them... I could have...... ;-)


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