Printing a series of numbers

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Sep 10 05:35:47 EDT 2009

Jérôme Rosat wrote:
> I need to print a series of numbers on a network printer, one number on 
> each page, until there is no more page in the paper tray of the printer. 
> Then, I must be able to reload pages and the printing begins again with 
> the last number printed + 1.
> Is it possible to do that with Revolution ? I think I need to 
> "communicated" with the printer and "listen" to know if the paper tray 
> is empty.

I think it is simpler than that. The printer will cache the print job 
and if the paper runs out, it will wait until you reload the paper tray 
and continue printing where it left off. So I think all you need to do 
is create a print layout and a repeat loop that prints a number and a 
page break, and then send the whole job to the printer at once.

For example, if you need 1000 numbers:

repeat with x = 1 to 1000
  put x into fld "numberFld" of card "printLayout"
  print cd "printLayout"
  print break
end repeat

I think that should work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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