Quicktime and the Snow Leopard

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr
Wed Sep 9 07:54:37 EDT 2009

Le 8 sept. 09, à 22:56, Björnke von Gierke a écrit :

> On 8 Sep 2009, at 17:05, Trevor DeVore wrote:
>> I hope there is more logic in the OS X installer then just "luck" ;-) 
>> It would be nice to find out what the determining factor is.
> I don't have snow leper installed, but I've read the ars technica 
> review.
> Basically there's two things going on. most more advanced quicktime 
> features are actually not yet implemented in the new Quicktime Toolkit 
> (QTKit). So for those features, 10.6 always falls back to the QT 7 
> APIs. Meanwhile there is also a new QT player, dubbed QT X. it also 
> lacks several features that the QT 7 player did have.
> The API's are all installed by default (and they need to be, as for 
> example, QT X can't even crop stuff), and those features remain 
> accessible for all applications that do use QT, for example rev. 
> However, the QT player is not, and you need to manually do that by 
> choosing the Quicktime 7 check mark in the installer.
> Read it yourself (35'000 words!):
> http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2009/08/mac-os-x-10-6.ars/6#qtkit
> http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2009/08/mac-os-x-10-6.ars/16

Le 8 sept. 09, à 22:56, Björnke von Gierke a écrit :

> On 8 Sep 2009, at 17:05, Trevor DeVore wrote:
>> I hope there is more logic in the OS X installer then just "luck" ;-) 
>> It would be nice to find out what the determining factor is.
> I don't have snow leper installed, but I've read the ars technica 
> review.
> Basically there's two things going on. most more advanced quicktime 
> features are actually not yet implemented in the new Quicktime Toolkit 
> (QTKit). So for those features, 10.6 always falls back to the QT 7 
> APIs. Meanwhile there is also a new QT player, dubbed QT X. it also 
> lacks several features that the QT 7 player did have.
> The API's are all installed by default (and they need to be, as for 
> example, QT X can't even crop stuff), and those features remain 
> accessible for all applications that do use QT, for example rev. 
> However, the QT player is not, and you need to manually do that by 
> choosing the Quicktime 7 check mark in the installer.
> Read it yourself (35'000 words!):
> http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2009/08/mac-os-x-10-6.ars/6#qtkit
> http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2009/08/mac-os-x-10-6.ars/16
I am currently reading this very good review, and it does indicate that 
the APIs are still there.
While I previously said that it is beyond runrev's reach to build a 
multimedia framework by itself, it is quite capable, IMHO, to create a 
player object with the same functionalities as before and running 
within SL.
Actually, it is probable that the runrev player still works fine (I 
have not tested it myself, as I am part of the cowards who never 
install the first release of an OS), since the APIs seemingly are still 


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