Rev Dbase OBDC with 4thDimension

Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Sep 7 22:59:09 EDT 2009

Malte Pfaff-Brill wrote:
> Hi Sivakatirswami,
> I am currently working on a project, where 4d and Rev share the same 
> database. The database in this case is mySQL though, so the connection 
> is pretty straight forward. As 4d, (and Rev) can work with a multitude 
> of databases, it would be best to ask the fellows, which db is working 
> under the hood.
> All the best,
> Malte

We are using the latest 4D V 11 which was completely written. the Data 
storage format is SQL compliant, It was a major upgrade (headache) for 
the team to convert, but it runs really well.

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