Q: Can I use only a part of an Image File and do stuff with it ?

BNig niggemann at uni-wh.de
Tue Oct 6 10:33:51 EDT 2009

Just for the record and to correct a piece of code I posted:
As it turns out Rolf wanted to preserve the transparency of a PNG when
slicing it up. Aditionally there was a bug in my previously posted code.
So here is a version that preserves transparency for PNG (no harm if it is a
JPG that has no transparency) and works for any number of slices, the width
of the original image does not have to be an even multiple of a slice.
Leftover pixels are put into an additional slice.

watch out for linewraps

on mouseUp
   put 12 into tNoOfImages -- change the number of 'slices' here
   put the name of image "myLongImage" into myImage -- Name of image here
   put the imagedata of myImage into tImageData
   put the rect of myImage into tTemplateRect
   put the alphadata of myImage into iAlphaD
   put the length of tImageData into tLengthImageData
   put the length of iAlphaD into tAlphaLength
   put the height of myImage into tHeight
   put the width of myImage into tWidth
   put tWidth* 4  into tByteWidth
   put tWidth div tNoOfImages * 4 into tChunkSizeinBytes
   put tWidth div tNoOfImages into tNormalImageWidth
   put tWidth * tHeight into tAlphaLength
   put tNormalImageWidth into tChunkSizeAlpha
   put item 1 of tTemplateRect + tNormalImageWidth into item 3 of
   put item 2 of tTemplateRect - tHeight - 20 into item 2 of tTemplateRect
   put item 4 of tTemplateRect - tHeight - 20 into item 4 of tTemplateRect
   set the rect of the templateImage to tTemplateRect
   put 1 into tStartChar
   put 1 into tAlphaStartChar
   put "" into tCollectImageData
   put "" into tAlphaCollect
   -- check if width of original is an even multiple of the 'slices', if not
   -- add an image for the rest of the original image
   put tWidth mod tNoOfImages into tRest
   if tRest <> 0 then 
      put true into tHasARest
      add 1 to tNoOfImages
   end if
   lock screen
   repeat with i = 1 to tNoOfImages
      -- extract the imageData
      repeat with j = tStartChar to tLengthImageData step tByteWidth
         put char j to j + tChunkSizeInBytes-1 of tImageData after
      end repeat
      -- extract the alphaData
      repeat with k = tAlphaStartChar to tAlphaLength step tWidth
         put char k to k + tChunkSizeAlpha-1 of iAlphaD after tAlphaCollect
      end repeat
      create image
      set the name of last image to "i" & i     -- change name of new images
(the slices) here
      set the imageData of last image to tCollectImageData
      set the alphaData of last image to tAlphaCollect
      add tChunkSizeInBytes to tStartChar
      add tChunkSizeAlpha to tAlphaStartChar
      -- check for additional image in case width is not an even multiple of
      if not (tHasARest and i = (tNoOfImages - 1)) then
         -- no additional image
         add tNormalImageWidth to item 1 of tTemplateRect
         add tNormalImageWidth to item 3 of tTemplateRect
         set the rect of the templateImage to tTemplateRect
         -- additional image (will be last image) of a different width
         put tRest * 4 into tChunkSizeInBytes
         put tRest into tChunkSizeAlpha
         add tNormalImageWidth to item 1 of tTemplateRect
         put item 1 of tTemplateRect + tRest into item 3 of tTemplateRect
         set the rect of the templateImage to tTemplateRect
      end if
      put empty into tCollectImageData
      put empty into tAlphaCollect
   end repeat
end mouseUp

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Q%3A-Can-I-use-only-a-part-of-an-Image-File-and-do-stuff-with-it---tp25682504p25769925.html
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