Interesting blog post - comments anyone?

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Sun Nov 29 15:20:35 EST 2009

> The idea that the customer services manager of a company 
> would enlist that company's own customers in a public debate 
> over the merits of that company's product and the rather easy 
> to debase claims it made of its product... Well it just feels 
> a little icky.


I can appreciate that you spend a significant amount of time to evaluate a
product, but a lot of folks will make snap judgements and never give
something a try because some blogger puts a negative spin on it - especially
true in development tools (Ive sold a really broad range of software, from
3D modeling to games to business software) because of the emotional
investment many make into such complex tools.

There are a lot of folks here who have been with Revolution for years, and
they are the best advocates. My half educated guess is that those same folks
use more than one tool (more so than developers who typically code in C++),
and are suited to weigh the value of Rev vs other tools.

The dynamics of selling a development tool are quite different than other
software products and user feedback, case studies and informed comment count
so much more for the lack of coverage in conventional technology news
venues. I think its entirely reasonable for company reps to ask for comment
- the popularity and exposure of that product brings it more success, which
means better support.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server 

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