how can I stop a mouseenter-command

Alex Tweedly alex at
Fri Nov 13 18:30:50 EST 2009

DunbarX at wrote:
> The variable issue suggested by Jan is likely your problem. But do you 
> think this is nicer?
> on mouseEnter
>    wait 1 second
>    if the mouseLoc is within the rect of me then doYourStuff
> end mouseEnter
But beware that this will wrongly fire if you pass the mouse through a 
button, i.e. enter the button, leave it and re-enter it before one 
second later.

Of course, the wait with messages using a simple boolean value such as 
tMouseOut has similar, though more subtle, failure modes; e.g. if you 
enter, then leave and then re-enter the button within the one second 
interval of the "wait with messages".

I was going to suggest an alternative (keeping track of "the millisecs") 
but when I tested it, I found that I did not reliably get the 
'mouseleave' messages if I enter + leave + enter within a short time 
period. (This was detectable using both my on code and using the message 
watcher).  So I'd recommend first testing that you do get these messages 
reliably (maybe it's just me), and/or checking in the bug database to 
see if there's any known problem with these messages.

-- alex.

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