[ANN] Rev Mentor - now free and open to the public

Jerry Daniels jerry.daniels at me.com
Tue Mar 10 13:38:09 EDT 2009

Fellow Revolutionistas,

It is with great fanfare that I am able to announce on this day, that  
the Rev Mentor blog is no longer private and fee-based, but rather  
public and free to all desirous of wonderment.

This extraordinary turn of events was made possible by rapidly  
descending costs of storage along with an innovative blog posting  
technology—both triggered by our currently harsh economic climate but  
none-the-less most welcome.

In the great tradition of making lemonade out of lemons, you can now  
view over 160 articles, lessons, commentaries, news items and lectures  
for Rev developers via the well-named link found in my signature  
below. NOTE: much of the aforementioned are video.

This last week's Top Ten coverage of the posts to the How to Use  
Revolution list:



Jerry Daniels

Host of Rev Mentor

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