Creepy 2020

Randall Reetz randall at
Fri Jul 3 01:13:35 EDT 2009

I would hope that the economic and ecological and resource and energy catastrophe we are facing (living within) would give us all reason to pause and think deeply about which kind of humanity we want to be.  We have seen what skimming and baseless profiteering wrot.  We might now think what productivity really means.  Ask our selves what typrs of activities actually produce more per hour worked.  And more to the point, which activities produce what is nessisary for the production tomorrow of higher productivity.  The only way to make more money (unless you want another recession adjustment) is to do only productivity increasing activities.  Anything else is fake wealth and will be followed by the inevitable correction.  So, are we done ripping eachother off?  Can we start acting like we are adults and believe in reality?  Consuption does not drive an economy.  Consumption results from a healthy productive economy.  Revenue and throughput isnt a reliable indicator of productivity.  We must have learned this little lesson.  It isnt how much money you can funnel towards yourn section of the pie, it is how york section of the pie can grow the whole pie bigger.  This is a big one people.  We have got to learn it.  The rape africa to support europe model doesnt work anymore.  We have to pay our own way.  It is the biggest challange yet faced by humanity.  I say we can.  Pay attention to how you spend your labor and creative resources.  Each of us matter.  What i said about our purchasing decisions mattering palestine in comparison to how powerful are our labor decisions.  Productivity.   

-----Original Message-----
From: "Shari" <shari at>
To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution at>
Sent: 7/2/2009 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: Creepy 2020

Wow, I can't believe the life of the thread I started!  Fascinating! 
And I wuz worried about posting something slightly OT... LOL!

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