Sort Command in 3.5 is adding lines to a variable

Timothy Bleiler bleiler at
Thu Jul 2 14:24:43 EDT 2009


The sort command in 3.5 seems to be adding lines to a variable. I have  
a lot of old code that creates lists using a method like this and I  
don't believe the problem occurs in earlier versions of rev.

Is this a reported bug or am I missing something?

To see the error, create a stack with a button, paste the following  
code into the button and click on the button.

On MouseUp
  Put "Dog" & cr & \
       "Cat" & cr into tTemp
   Put number of lines in tTemp into tPreSortCount
   sort tTemp
   Put number of lines in tTemp into tPostSortCount
   Put "Pre-Sort, variable tTemp has" && tPreSortCount && "lines."&  
return &\
   "Post-Sort, variable tTemp has" && tPostSortCount && "lines."
End MouseUp

Tim Bleiler, Ph.D.
Instructional Designer, HSIT
University at Buffalo
Phone: 716-829-3867

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