problems with Cyrillic input on Windows standalone

viktoras d. viktoras at
Sun Jan 25 06:11:48 EST 2009

Привет, Курт

just wanted to suggest reading Devin's article, but you knew it already. 
Did you compile your Windows app on MacOSX ? If so, try moving stack to 
Windows and compile it there. This might solve your problem if it 
relates to compilation.

My preferred approach is compiling launcher (splashscreen) stack in 
native environments (Windows, MacOSX, Linux) with all the necessary 
inclusions once and then working with stacks on favorite OS. This way 
you will not need to recompile your apps again and again, just keep 
replacing old stacks with new ones. This makes life MUCH easier - a lot 
of annoyances and inconsistencies will be gone.

Всего доброго!

Curt Ford wrote:
> Извинете Ричмънд!
> My app needs to allow users to type in information, then save it to a 
> text file (or custom property of a separate stack). In another part of 
> the app info from these files is read in, displayed & manipulated in 
> various ways - so it's all got to be dynamic. Using HTMLText has 
> worked well for Russian and several other languages, and info can be 
> written out and read in on either platform; I'd gotten the tip from 
> some of Devin Asay's materials, like at
> It's just this strange input problem on Windows standalones that's 
> come up - none of the fields, on several cards, take Cyrillic anymore.
> Curt
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