[teaser] for third party developers

Shao Sean shaosean at wehostmacs.com
Thu Aug 6 00:17:10 EDT 2009

> Not only would it centralize documentation for different libraries,
Which is the main point of it, even for my own libraries I forget  
what they do ;)

> Many users of this list have written a wide variety of helpful
> libraries.
Yes and I use many of them in my personal toolbox thank you everyone :D

> (you wouldn't want this broken if the docs changed).
Actually I bypass most of the encoding Rev has done with their  
documentation and just read pure HTML files and display them

> And it would require the people who write the libraries to
> e.g. make their documentation conform to that format and either submit
Everyone has their own style of writing documentation and I will not  
impose any limits other than the limits of Rev HTML.. I do have a  
quick and dirty page creator that will ship, but any old pre- 
formatted HTML files should work just fine..

> network reachable URL so that the Dictionary could go out to the
> internet and harvest the documentation.
Documentation is provided with the libraries/objects that you have  
downloaded and have running in Rev already so no need to have an  
active internet connection..

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