NEW GROUP MESSAGES - not getting them?

David Bovill david at
Wed Apr 29 16:37:02 EDT 2009

2009/4/29 Scott Rossi <scott at>

Another question related to behaviors -- the resizeControl message that is
> generated when resizing a group.  I thought this had been updated with some
> enhancements specifically for behaviors.

I'm having some problems working out how the "resizeControl" are actually

These are the noted from the ParentScriptNotes.txt file in the engines
application folder:

> The most important of these additions are four new engine messages which
> groups will receive:
>     1) preOpenControl - sent to all the groups on a card after preOpenCard
> but before any of the groups children
>     2) openControl - sent to all the groups on a card after openCard but
> before any of the groups children
>     3) closeControl - sent to all the groups on a card after its children
> but before closeCard
>     4) resizeControl - sent to the group whenever its 'rect' property
> changes *unless* its 'rect' is changed as a result of a resizeControl
> message
> For efficiency reasons, these four messages are *only* sent if the script
> of the group or its parentScript contain relevant handlers - similar to the
> handling of mouseWithin, idle and mouseStillDown.
> With these new messages the preOpen/open/close message sequence looks like
> this:
>  (pre)OpenStack (sent to card)
>  for each background on the current card
>     (pre)OpenBackground (sent to card)
>     (pre)OpenControl (sent to background)
>     for each child group of the background
>         (pre)OpenControl (sent to group)
>         for each child group of the group
>             (pre)OpenControl (sent to child group)
>             ...
> (pre)OpenCard (sent to card)
> for each group on the current card
>     (pre)OpenControl (sent to group)
>     for each child group of the group
>         (pre)OpenControl (sent to child group)
>         ...

I thought I understood this - but it does not seem to be working as I
thought. In my example I am taking the "resizeControl" message. I have a
group with a "resizeControl" handler set, and inside that group there is
another group which also has a "resizeControl" set. However the inner group
is NOT receiving a "resizeControl" message - putting a demo stack

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