A bit OT: handling multiple users in DB

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Tue Sep 23 10:23:44 EDT 2008

Hi Klaus,

FWIW,  here is the information SDB maintains internally to handle 
multiuser access:

A list of DBs currently open by the user or client:
local clientDbList -- array by clientId:dbId1, dbId2, etc

A list of the current record position and access privileges for each 
user/client currently accessing any open DBs
local dbClientList -- array by dbId:client id,writeAccessType,current position

The main indexes of every DB that has been opened since the user or 
the server app started
local indexList -- array by dbId:cardIndex

A list of locked records by DB
local lockedRecordList -- array by dbId: record id, client id

Path and generic locking options to each open DB
local sdbDbPathList -- array by dbId: db stack path, autoLockOn, 

Information to support record translation if client and server are 
running on different platforms
local sdbTranslationList -- array by clientId: 1=ASCII>ANSI, 0=None, 
or -1=ANSI>ASCII + tab & ipcProtocol [tp,ae,pc,dc,sf]

Rob Cozens

"I must be the change I want to see in the world."

  -- Gandhi 

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