revCopyFile/revCopyFolder weirdness!

Christian Langers christian.langers at
Mon Sep 15 12:19:02 EDT 2008

Hi Dave,

I never got this function to work on Mac, that's why I use my own way :

function copyFileToDest pFrom, pTo
   if there is no folder pTo then create folder pTo
   --> Mac <--
   if platform() is "MacOs" then

     put ("ditto -rsrc " & q(pFrom) && q(pTo)) into tcomm
     get shell(tcomm)
     --> Windows <--
     set the hideconsolewindows to true
     revCopyfile pFrom, pTo
   end if
end copyFileToDest

I think that the function "revCopyfile" uses Applescript and there are  
some issues...

Hope this helped,


Le 15 sept. 08 à 16:31, Dave a écrit :

> Hi Mark,
> I suppose it could be, but don't see why, I can copy manually with  
> the Finder. How do I find out if its a Permissions Problem?
> Thanks a lot
> All the Best
> Dave
> On 15 Sep 2008, at 15:23, Mark Smith wrote:
>> Could it be a pemissions issue?
>> Mark
>> On 15 Sep 2008, at 15:16, Dave wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I'm using RunRev on a Mac and I'm having problems with  
>>> the following code:
>>> put "/Documents/Test/" into mySourcePath
>>> put "/Volumes/TestVol/Folder/" into myDestPath
>>> revCopyFile  mySourcePath, myDestPath
>>> put the result into myResult
>>> When I run this I get an "execution error" in myResult
>>> It's weird because if do a "there is a folder"/"there is a file"  
>>> on the paths, they report true. Also, if I change the destination  
>>> path to /Users/Dave/Desktop/" then it works ok.
>>> I've also tried adding and removing the trailing "/" on the paths  
>>> (which sometimes seems to matter).
>>> I've tried copying the file manually in the finder and this works  
>>> fine.
>>> Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this problem? I want to  
>>> copy an application bundle file from the HD to a mounted image.
>>> All the Best
>>> Dave
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