Charset problems passing foreign chars to PHP/MySQL from Mac

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Sep 6 11:05:14 EDT 2008


What about urlEncode(macToIso("Rhône")), or have you tried that already?

If that doesn't work, would it be possible for you to send htmlText to  
the server?

I guess your server doesn't expect unicode, or it would have to be  
encoded into something non-binary. So, perhaps UTF8 isn't a good idea  
after all.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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  for more info.

On 6 sep 2008, at 16:20, rgould8 at wrote:

> I've already tried MacToISO, but it doesn't convert "Rhône" to the  
> right character-encoding:
> put MactoISO("Rhône") returns "RhÙne"
> whereas I need to convert "Rhône" to "Rh%C3%B4ne" in order to pass  
> it to PHP/MySQL and get it to successfully save.
> Is there something else I need to do in Revolution (in httpheaders  
> perhaps?) to ensure that data gets passed in UTF8 format?

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