Is RunRev marketed to developers mainly?

viktoras didziulis viktoras at
Thu May 29 02:57:51 EDT 2008

many times I have been wondering, why so many people know of Air, and 
all these fresh new things about flash, Flex 3, Python, Java, MySQL, 
SQLite, PHP, even Logo, etc... Those are babies of Adobe, Sun or not so 
well known companies or even open source projects. And why do they 
usually know next to nothing about Revolution, which is not a new IDE 
product at all... Then I realized that Revolution is absent from press 
releases of major printed IT/PC/MAC magazines. On each new release or 
upgrade of its products Adobe and even open source project leaders 
"shout out" a press release appearing on printed pages of many journals, 
that's why we know. But when Revolution Released 2.9 no IT magazine 
(please correct me if I am wrong) ever covered it. Why? Doesn't Run Rev 
Ltd do press releases on its products and upgrades ? Maybe those press 
releases are somehow limited... Printed words still have a big weight in 
this Internet age, maybe because people tend to associate them with some 
sort of credibility of printed text, etc...


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