Team Development / Exporting stuff to text files

David Bovill david at
Wed Mar 5 13:30:57 EST 2008

Agreed as well - but in the context of your own or a relatively small groups
productivity. That is it is not worth going down the path of svn or finer
granularity for your own productivity, unless perhaps you and your team are
already familiar with such tools and working practices based on other

However if you are to look at the picture at a different scale and ask - do
the stack based working practices facilitate the creation of robust
community resources and libraries? Then I would argue that open source tools
and methodology / svn type tools have a track record in producing well
tested libraries and tools which the stack based methods have singularly
failed to do. A commercial market for components can work if the tool market
is big enough, and open source communities can sometimes deliver such tools.

It is an interesting question whether svn like tools would help create
larger scale community collaborations in Rev, but I certainly agree that for
the individual developer their is no productivity gain - for the community
as a whole is another question.

On 05/03/2008, Chipp Walters <chipp at> wrote:
> Agreed 100%.
> Key word in the below sentence is "architectural". IMO, a properly
> designed architecture can handle multiple programmers, each working on
> their own stacks. After all, remember, one can insert 50 stack
> libraries into the message path.
> best,
> Chipp
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Richard Gaskin
> <ambassador at> wrote:
> >  I've thought about the type of scenarios described here, in which two
> or
> >  more programmers may be assigned to work on the same stack, but to be
> >  honest to me that seems less a technical challenge than an
> architectural
> >  and human resources one:
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