getting the word and line chunk of words simultaneously

Bill Marriott wjm at
Thu Dec 11 03:28:03 EST 2008

Did you have a look at the functions offset and lineoffset?

put "football" into myWord
put "Text position:" && offset(myWord,theContainer)
put lineOffset(myWord,theContainer) into L
put "Line:" && L
put "Line position:" && offset(myWord,line L of theContainer)

"James Hale" <james at> wrote

> I do not just want the word position within the text itself.
> I also want the line the word is located and the position within that 
> line.
> So, as an example I end up with the following for one word, say 
> "football"
> Word:  football
> Text position: 132
> Line: 4
> Line Position: 13 

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