Changing text in formatted field

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Aug 20 22:37:59 EDT 2008

Shari wrote:

> I wonder if I could create the template letter in Word, have Word turn 
> it into HTML for me, and store the HTML file in a folder... have Rev 
> open the file, read it, change it, and paste it into the field, then print?

That's what I usually do. Create your styled text letter, using some 
kind of tag for each replacement text. For example, if the styled text 
is in field 1, something like this:

  get the htmltext of fld 1
  replace "***NAME TAG***" with nameVar in it
  set the htmltext of fld 1 to it

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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