AW: bad print quality of a resized image

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Aug 20 07:23:46 EDT 2008

--- Tiemo Hollmann TB <toolbook at> wrote:
> Hi Jan, good idea as a workaround!
> Do I understand you right, that you can push several
> print commands (print
> card, print rectangle1, print rectangle 2,...) in
> one printer data stream
> one after the other? Werhe does the printer knows,
> which print commands
> belong to one printer stream? Or did I misunderstood
> your approach?
> Thanks
> Tiemo

Hi Tiemo,

Take a look at 'open printing' in the documentation -
basically, you can combine multiple print commands if
you wrap them inside an 'open printing ... close
printing' block.
So your print script would look something like:
on mouseUp
  open printing with dialog as sheet
  if the result is "cancel" then
    -- the user cancel the print dialog
    exit mouseUp
  end if
  put the topLeft of image "Fullsize Image" \
      into tTopLeft
  put the bottomRight of image "Fullsize Image" \
      into tRightBottom
  put the rect of image "Resized Image" \
      into tResizedImageRect
  hide image "Resized Image"
  print this card  -- without the image
  print this card from tTopRight to tRightBottom \
      into tResizedImageRect
  close printing -- now it is sent to the printer
  show image "Resized Image"
end mouseUp

You may have to fiddle a bit with the 'into' rectangle
to get it in the right position - this was entirely
from memory :-)

Hope this gets you closer to a solution,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports & PDF Library for Revolution

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)


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