dragDrop/copyfile problem

R. Hillen mail at richard-hillen.de
Tue Sep 18 15:04:41 EDT 2007

Hello list,

I want to copy some files into a targetFolder by dragging them onto a  
dragdropArea; so I took a field with the following script:

on dragEnter
    set the acceptDrop to true
    pass dragEnter
end dragEnter

on dragDrop
    put "/Users/hillen/Desktop/ttt" into targetFolder
    put the dragData["files"] into FilePathList
    repeat for each line FilePath in FilePathList
      revcopyfile FilePath,TargetFolder
    end repeat
end dragDrop

It works, but to copy 2 files you need 25 seconds or so (MacBook Pro,  
2.2 GHz, RunRev 2.8.1, built 4.7.2)

What to do?

Thank you for your hints.

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