Have you ever seen this error dialog?

Paul Gabel paulgabel at comcast.net
Wed Oct 17 18:33:06 EDT 2007

Hello everybody:

Have any of you seen this error dialog?

There was an error when setting the script. The error was: Object:  
"Can't set script while it is executing." Your changes have not been  

I started getting this while editing scripts yesterday. Once it pops  
up, you can't apply the script or close the script editor. You have  
to click on "Revert," then close. There's no way to delete the button  
that held the script, except by quitting Rev altogether. If the  
button held a large script, I had to create a new button, copy and  
paste the script, save, quit, reopen, then delete the original  
button. This happened half a dozen times yesterday and a few times  
today. I have no idea what got it started, and I can find no pattern  
for triggering it. I've been using Rev since June and have never seen  
it until yesterday.

I'd really appreciate some advice, as it's driving me nuts (nuttier).

Paul Gabel

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