Anyone noticing stalled uploading? find a solution?

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Sat Nov 10 04:39:20 EST 2007

On 10 Nov 2007, at 02:03, Josh Mellicker wrote:
>> Are you monitoring the error status with libURLSetStatusCallback.  
>> This won't properly indicate a timeout.
>> (This came up on the list recently.)
> Ah, I do remember that! But does this mean you can't drive a  
> progress bar? libURLSetStatusCallback sends a "bytes uploaded"  
> number...

You can still use libURLSetStatusCallback to set a progress bar. But  
to fully monitor errors, it's best to use "the result" for blocking  
calls and the callback message for non-blocking calls. If you  
discover a timeout there, you can dismiss or reset  the progress bar.

>> Depending on how you do this, there may be a problem. You should  
>> avoid using "wait" while any libUrl stuff is going on.
> Even wait with messages?

Yes, unfortunately. The problem is that these waits have to be  
"released" in the reverse order in which they were started. So if you  
add a "wait ... with messages" after libUrl has injected its own,  
yours has to be released first. But if the condition for ending your  
wait is dependent of libUrl returning, you could be in trouble.

For example, the following mouseUp will complete in 5 seconds, not 50  

global flag1, flag2

on mouseUp
   put 0 into flag1
   send handler1 to me in 50 milliseconds
   send handler2 to me in  5000 milliseconds
   wait until flag1 = 1 with messages
   answer "completed"
end mouseUp

on handler1
   put 1 into flag1
   put 0 into flag2
   wait until flag2 = 1 with messages
end handler1

on handler2
   put 1 into flag2
end handler2


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