Accessing gRev values

Phil Davis revdev at
Sat May 12 14:32:20 EDT 2007

Hi Cal, Jim,

Assuming the gRev globals are in fact globals, and since globals have, well, 
global scope (there's no place in the runtime environment where they can't be 
made available once they exist), then all you should have to do in your script 
to gain access to those gRev globals is declare them the way you do any other 

I've a lot of this recently with gRevAppIcon and gRevSmallAppIcon, to change the 
icons that show up in dialogs. I assume it's the same with any other global. 
Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong!

Thanks -
Phil Davis

Jim Ault wrote:
> On 5/11/07 8:41 PM, "Cal Horner" <calhorner at xtra.Co.NZ> wrote:
>> Is there any way of getting the value from an RR gRev global variable? Such as
>> gRevMenuTarget.
> I am not sure of your question.  Doesn't this work?
> put gRevMenuTarget into msg
> Jim Ault
> Las Vegas

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