Problem when filling first line of a field with a text variable

André.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at
Tue Jul 10 11:39:12 EDT 2007

Actually it was a dummy mistake I made as I explain in my precedent  
post (I was rewriting twice the same thing in line 1).
I did not see it for a long time as I was too much polarized on other  
trails !

I am very sorry, please excuse me.

Thanks a lot for you answer

Best regards from Grenoble, where it is very cold; fall in advance :-(


Le 10 juil. 07 à 17:11, Ken Ray a écrit :

> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 14:05:41 +0200, "André.Bisseret" wrote:
>>> and I know that it goes there ; the fleld of stack "stackTwo" is
>> actually filled, but infortunately without line 1 of the text I put
>> in the variable.
> Do you have a field of the same name on the stack you're starting  
> from?
> If so, is it possible that this is "old data" left over in the  
> field on
> StackTwo and that what's really happening is that it's putting the  
> data
> into the StackOne's field and not touching StackTwo?
> If you're answer is "no", does it work if you are explicit:
>   put thisText into line 1 of fld "thisField" of stack vStackTwo
> And if you get the same result, is it possible that it's something
> simple like the first line of text is scrolled out of sight?  
> Believe it
> or not, you can set the scroll of a non-scrolling field and it will
> move the text as if it had a scrollbar. In that instance, you wouldn't
> be able to see what was scrolled out of sight, nor would you know it
> had done so. So I'd recommend manually going to stack vStackTwo, and
> setting the vScroll of the field you're putting the text into to 0.
> And if *that* doesn't work... after you run your code, use the message
> box to "put" the contents of the field that's on vStackTwo into the
> message box and compare to see if what you're seeing in the field on
> the card is the same as that put into the message box.
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
> Email: kray at
> Web Site:
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