Drag and drop from a list field

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at mac.com
Tue Feb 27 00:39:29 EST 2007

Klaus has a great demo stack in RevOnLine on dragging and dropping a  
file on the computer desktop into a field or stack. What I want to  
know is how to drag and drop out of a list field onto the desktop.

There is a sample drag and drop in the Rev docs using graphics  
objects for dragging the name of a color graphic to another object on  
the same card. Essentially the object has the script:

on mouseDown
   set the dragData["text"] to the short name of the target
   set the borderWidth of the target to 3
end mouseDown

on dragEnd
   set the borderWidth of the target to 1
end dragEnd

I have two questions.

1. How do I get the content of the line of text (the one that is  
selected) in a list field that I want to drag from?
2. How do I send it outside the stack to the desktop to make a file  
on the desktop?

Think the way the Apple and Microsoft Address Books work with  
exporting/importing a vCARD file.

Bill Vlahos

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