Clipboard destroys png file on XP Home!

Tiemo Hollmann TB toolbook at
Sat Aug 11 05:51:03 EDT 2007


I have an app with png images where the user can copy the image to the
clipboard and past it into any other program. There are two different ways I
do it in different situation:

1. set the imagedata of img "imgClipboard1" to the imagedata of img

2. export snapshot from grp "grpClipboard" to tClipboardImage as PNG

    set the clipboarddata["image"] to tClipboardImage

Both ways work fine on my and all other test computers (win and Mac) I have
tested. Now I get a feedback of a customer (Win XP Home, SP2), that he gets
only a black square inserted in word and paint programms, instead of the
copied image.


Has anybody ever seen this issue on Windows and knows any solution?
Hopefully missing driver on the PC or something like that, because I can't
change the code, the CD are burned :-(


Thanks for any hint




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