about Galaxy

Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Sat Sep 23 04:58:07 EDT 2006

Yes, I got the latest version.

First: there is no question about the "beauty" elegance and power of Galaxy
which is a testimony to Jerry's mastery of xTalk and vision for a productive
environment. I would love to be able to use it...

1) I have some stacks that take about 5 times longer to open if Galaxy is
installed. (on in particular where I am setting the image data for chars 
in a long
field, which, thus,   turns into an image  previewer where you can cut 
and paste images
into different  order... is really bogging down if Galaxy is running in 
the IDE)

2) there is some latent "memory" of stacks that are not really
being closed, even though I have destroy stack set to true
  and I keep getting into infinite loops where Rev keeps thinking
a stack that is closed and removed from memory is still there.
Asking me to purge. I click purge and same dialog keeps coming back.
I have to force quit and  start again. It happened  enough times...
  So, unfortunately I had to uninstall it.  So now "I'm sad" :-)
( the tabbed script editor and new dialog box to enter props values
in Galaxy were wonderful, and so many other things too.)

(hehe, Jerry's marketing thing about being sad if 30 days pass and
that thing reverts to free Galaxy.. is delightful...and I was ready to buy
it in a minute)

But my point (meant only for Kevin really, not for the list... sorry 
about that)
was simple: some key functionality in Galaxy, (and several other third party
plug ins,)  really should be on board the product. It's one thing to pay 
bucks for macho imposition software (I live in a print world) as an add on
to your layout program, (we paid for Quite Imposing  because InDesign
just doesn't have those tools) but you  really should not have  to play 
for a plug
  in just to get a better view of your trapping values to make choke and
spread changes on spot color overlays.

I'll give Galaxy another go in December and see if the problems have
disappeared...it is  indeed, otherwise, a "dream machine."

On the upside for Revolution and  for third party developers, one 
doesn't see
  this kind of discussion for improvement and actual responsiveness
from the company or third party developers in many other realms, so
for that we are all thankful!

Stephen Barncard wrote:
  had slowdown and other problems
> with Constellation, but every gripe I had was totally fixed and better 
> implemented in Galaxy.
> Are you sure you have the latest version? Did you report the bugs to 
> Jerry on his Basecamp site? (I didn't see you there much...). The 
> chatter is pretty low on the Basecamp site at this time - an indication 
> of the satisfaction of the users...
> Personally I can't work without it anymore.
> sqb
>> I had to uninstall Galaxy they other day...
>> it was causing the whole IDE to slow down big time and several bugs
>> it had before just never go away.
>> Sivakatirswami>>

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