Speech Recognition and or Applescript

Joshua Snyder joshua at califex.com
Tue Nov 21 17:32:21 EST 2006

This is the third time I have tried to ask this question..... and so  
far, it  has not shown up on the list.

I am working on a small "Hobby" application,  and I find that I want  
to make it "speakable",   or perhaps AppleScriptable,  since the  
speakable items folder is populated with AppleScripts.

I know that AppleScript and SpeachRecognition is an Apple only  
feature.,   and I am OK with that,   and I have also found that the  
RunRev IDE has 2 entries in it's AppleScript dictionary,  However, I  
can not seem to get the "Do Script" to actually execute any of my  
scripts.  And my standalone Apps have nothing available in there  
AppleScript Dictionaries,   so there is SOME sort of missing piece.

any clues I might follow?



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