running a process in the background

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Tue Mar 28 13:01:27 EST 2006

Thanks, Ken.  Unfortunately that didn't quite do the trick for me.   
My situation seems a little bit different from that explained in this  
link.  I tried adapting it to work for me but couldn't quite get  
there.  No matter what I try, once the report building process starts  
I can't do anything else.  And this is a lot of code executing.  So  
going into it at this point and putting in some kind of command here  
and there to update my modal dialog would be a lot of work.  I think  
this is a situation where threads would come in handy.

Anyway, thanks for the idea, but got any others?  :-)


On Mar 24, 2006, at 4:13 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

> On 3/24/06 4:10 PM, "Chris Sheffield" <cmsheffield at> wrote:
>> How is this done, or can it be done?  Or maybe this isn't even the
>> right question.
>> Here's what I'm trying to do.  I have a handler that generates a set
>> of reports for my application.  That handler can take a while to
>> process if there is a lot of data to work with.  So what I'm trying
>> to do is display a modal dialog that basically just says "Please
>> wait" while the reports are generated.  The "Please wait" dialog also
>> has the little chasing arrows animated gif and a Cancel button to
>> stop the process if necessary.
>> Here's what's happening.  The dialog displays just fine, and the
>> reports are generated just fine.  But while the work is being done,
>> the dialog does not respond in any way.  The chasing arrows do not
>> move and I can't click on the Cancel button.  Is there any way around
>> this?  The dialog is a substack of the stack that creates the
>> reports.  In the openCard handler of the first, and only, card of the
>> substack, I have a send "DoReports" in time command.  And that's it.
>> Is there any way to do what I want?  Seems like I've seen it done
>> before, but can't quite get it working.
> Here you go:
> :-)
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web site:
> Email: kray at
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Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

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