: Ftp and cross platform issues..

Dave Calkins 1 davecs1 at verizon.net
Mon Mar 27 16:37:43 EST 2006

On Mar 25, 2006, at 7:04 AM, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com 

> Subject: Re: Ftp and cross platform issues...
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
> Message-ID: <4424971D.5040206 at fourthworld.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Stephen Barncard wrote:
>> Chipp wrote:
>>> I agree. I'm rewriting my MagicCarpet Auto-updating Architecture to
>>> take account for that-- and also allow for the creation of portable
>>> apps.
>>> http://portableapps.com/
>> Wait. Doesn't the term 'Portable Apps' imply some kind of
>> cross-platformness?
>> I mean, that's why Web based apps were created....
>> Shouldn't 'Portable' imply 'play anywhere'?
> In this case the "play anywhere" means you carry it with you wherever
> you go on your USB Flash drive.
> For us Rev folks the concept of portability may seem odd, since Rev 
> apps
> are often self-contained anyway.
> But remember that a lot of Windows apps made with other tools require a
> small army of DLLs strewn all over the hard drive and a bunch of
> Registry entries to run.
> A "portable app" in this context is one which is simply self-contained,
> able to run entirely from a USB Flash drive leaving zero footprint on
> the system it's run on.  Preferences, data files, and the app itself 
> are
> all stored on the removable drive.
> And with Rev we can add a level of "play anywhere" most folks claiming
> to deliver "portable apps" can't:  we can put Win, Mac, and even Linux
> executables on the drive, sharing a common data folder there, so the
> user can pop the USB device into nearly any computer on the planet and
> be able to run your app.
> --
>   Richard Gaskin
>   Managing Editor, revJournal
>   _______________________________________________________
>   Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com
Dave Calkins

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