Get a handler from a script

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Sun Mar 19 10:55:07 EST 2006

On Mar 19, 2006, at 5:18 AM, David Burgun wrote:

> The problem is that if you are doing something like this:
> if the script of myObject contains "on HandlerName" then
>   send HandlerName to myObject
> end if

The code I posted earlier guarantees that

on handlername

exists in the script, not commented, at the beginning of a line. I  
believe that guarantees that it is a valid handler.

Here it is:

put 0 into tLineNumber
put false into tEnteredHandler
repeat for each line L in tText -- tText is the script
   add 1 to tLineNumber
   if word 1 of L is among the items of "on,function,getprop,setprop"  
and \
     word 2 of L is tHandlerName then
     put tLineNumber into tStartLineNumber
     put true into tEnteredHandler
   end if
   if tEnteredHandler and \
     word 1 of L is "end" and \
     word 2 of L is tHandlerName then
     put tLineNumber into tEndLineNumber
     exit repeat
   end if
end repeat

-- if tEnteredHandler is false, we didn't find the handler
-- if tEnteredHandler is true, tStartLineNumber is where it starts,
-- tEndLineNumber is where it ends

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