online Revolution collaborative resources

Josh Mellicker josh at
Tue Jan 24 02:06:21 EST 2006

Okay, I have been on this email list all of 6 hours and I'm already  
going nuts. :-)

I know this might be a sore subject as it's been discussed before  
from what I could dredge up painstakingly foraging through the email  

However, flame me if you will, but I would like an easier, faster,  
better collaborative web resource for Revolution. (NOT to REPLACE  
this excellent list, or any of the excellent resources created by the  
generous top developers and evangelists, but to COMPLIMENT them!)

My goal is a collaborative third party resource- all of us can post,  
contribute, add code snippets, links, share ideas, find work, divvy  
up projects, etc.

I made a new account on my server and installed a few packages, I  
really want to get buy-in from the community... please let me know  
what you want, I am here to help!

Here's what's on the menu:


1. Wordpress with the awesome K2 theme:

This is a simple, elegant, yet powerful system.


     * could be a wiki, with shared pages, edited by all
     * each developer can have their own blog
     * news
     * FAQs
     * can be extensively customized
     * AJAX powered fast search
     * fast commenting and replying
     * developer pages
     * uploaded files
     * custom fields

To log in as an admin and check out the admin interface, click here:

user = admin
password = admin

Click “Write” and you’re off and running!

Please add a comment to this page to try it out and let everyone know  
what you think.


2. A true Wiki:

Even though I prefer Wordpress as a wiki, this does have versioning  
as an advantage- you can see who changed what and when, and revert...


I also installed Vanilla forums:

and Simple Machines forums:

but... I just don't think forums are the right answer for you folks.  
I think WordPress will be much better.


I am here to help! Let me know what you think!

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